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Social Swarm is a decision-making platform for both users and designers of social platforms, with the one uniting aim: How to dismount Faceboogle from its many thrones.

To achieve this we need to know what the users really want, what they really need and what is really possible. Therefore we need to discuss and decide. We need more than a chatroom and a couple of mailing lists. We need a platform where ideas can develop, acceptance can be measured and discussions can be organized. That's why we intend to employ participatory decision-making technology.

Liquid Democracy makes Social Swarm your wishlist, your launchpad, your interface to inspiration. If you can vote in it, it's your own project! It's our collective project!

We are currently reviewing Liquid Feedback. Liquid Feedback has united a bunch of activists into a political party and made 9% at the Berlin parliamentary elections, its amazing motivational power can be applied to any crowdsourced project. Or should I say.. swarmsourced?

If you want to register for an account, send mail to

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